1*Your Lvl must be 120+
2*Your HP must be 9k with hp potion. (We suggest you use a hp hightning potion)
3*You must bring at least 5 wheels for the run.
4*You can choose between 2 different types of runs Solo Run or Duo Run! Solorun meaning you get 1 person to kill Czak and Duorun meaning you get 2 people to kill it.
Solo Run costs 250 mil. 1 hour (+/- 15 min)
Duo Run costs 300 mil. 30 min (+/- 10 min)
5* You must pay before the start of the Czak run. When you have payed us the deal is closed!
6* If CZak does not drop a helm ,then we will give you a second run for free Run.
Here is a guide if u want to survive: Http://plushacks.net/archive/index.php/t-177.html
Copy the Application form below. Copy=(CTRL+C) Paste=(CTRL+V)
Application form
In Game Name:
Are you applying for a Solo run or Duo run?
Contact Information:
Have you fully understood the rules?
2*Your HP must be 9k with hp potion. (We suggest you use a hp hightning potion)
3*You must bring at least 5 wheels for the run.
4*You can choose between 2 different types of runs Solo Run or Duo Run! Solorun meaning you get 1 person to kill Czak and Duorun meaning you get 2 people to kill it.
Solo Run costs 250 mil. 1 hour (+/- 15 min)
Duo Run costs 300 mil. 30 min (+/- 10 min)
5* You must pay before the start of the Czak run. When you have payed us the deal is closed!
6* If CZak does not drop a helm ,then we will give you a second run for free Run.
Here is a guide if u want to survive: Http://plushacks.net/archive/index.php/t-177.html
Copy the Application form below. Copy=(CTRL+C) Paste=(CTRL+V)
Application form
In Game Name:
Are you applying for a Solo run or Duo run?
Contact Information:
Have you fully understood the rules?