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Granted Guild's forum


    Join in the new guild


    Join in the new guild Empty Join in the new guild

    Post by Fate Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:07 pm

    Application Form

    Main Character
    In-game name:XoXFateXoX
    Job:Dual Blader

    About Yourself
    Real name:Shihai
    Country:Germany,but i come from China
    Tell us about yourself:I like to meet new friends

    MapleStory History

    How long have you been playing?Since 2 weeks but i ve played maple in chinese version before

    List all of the character names you are using in EMS:XoXFateXoX; XxLordZeroxX

    List all of the previous guild(s) you have been in:SmokingAces

    Why did you leave your previous guild(s)?Because i want be stronger and meet more new people

    Are you in any other guild(s) on another character?yes, lordzero is in a german guild, should i leave ?

    Game Activity

    In average, how many days do you play per week?4-5days but not always so.

    In average, how many hours do you play per day?sometime 2h and sometime more

    How do you spend your time in MapleStory?Learn about new friend, lv up and get more money

    About the Guild

    Have you read and understood the guild rules?

    Why do you want to join Granted?I think, i can have a better chance to meet stronger people and because its a honour for me to join in such big guild.^^


    Anything you would like to say?
    I only hope that i can spend a many happy time with your guys together. And i am not really good in enlgish, so please correct my mistakes ^^ thanks

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